At the sources of the history of Grand Paris

The research group Inventer le Grand Paris organizes, on Thursday, September 17, 2020 between 14h and 17h, a seminar around the work of Archival City on the Parisian metropolis.

ID de réunion : 994 2570 5398
Mot de passe : IGPAC17920

Coordination scientifique : Loïc Vadelorge

The ” Great Paris ” fieldwork of the Archival City research program aims to reflect on the notion of archives of metropolization, mainly for the contemporary period (19th-20th century). Two parallel projects have been launched in 2018, and this session will present the epistemological and methodological expectations and the first results.

The first concerns the digital processing of the 1954 census for the Seine department. The serialization of statistical data on the population and housing of 72 communes and their spatial analysis, thanks to the transcription of the plans annexed to the fascicles and their vectorization within a Geographic and Historical Information System, offer many opportunities for research on the Paris metropolis at a crucial moment in its history, relating to social and urban history, housing and private life. The accuracy of the data allows a fine analysis of local situations, on the scale of some 15,950 blocks in the Seine department (including 5,100 Parisians).

The second involves the digitization of the administrative directories of the Seine department, conducted jointly by the Paris Archives, the Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris and the Bibliothèque de l’Hôtel de Ville. The main aim is to prefigure a platform that will enable the interconnection of existing finding instruments and information on the management services of the metropolis throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. It is hoped to be able to follow the genealogy of Parisian administrations and link them to archive collections, thus enabling their longitudinal history. The interconnection of these resources with those of the Library of the École des Ponts et Chaussées will make it possible to identify bridge engineers involved in the services of the Seine Prefecture and to provide them with information from the referenced biographical records.

Transversal research group Inventer le Grand Paris

Laurence Bassières (ENSA-PLV, Ipraus-Ausser) ; Emmanuel Bellanger (Paris 1, CHS), Frédéric Bertrand (ENSA-PB, Ipraus-Ausser), Florence Bourillon (UPEC, CRHEC), Laurent Coudroy de Lille (EUP, Lab Urba), Cédric Feriel (Rennes 2, TEMPORA), Beatriz Fernandez Agueda (EHESS, Géographie-Cités) ; Corinne Jaquand (ENSA-PB, Ipraus-Ausser), André Lortie (ENSAPB, Ipraus-Ausser), Clément Orillard (EUP, Lab Urba), Alessandro Panzeri (ENSAL, LATTS) Frédéric Pousin (ENSA-PB, Ipraus-Ausser), Nathalie Roseau (ENPC, LATTS), Loïc Vadelorge (UGE, ACP).


Alessandro Panzeri ( ;

Loïc Vadelorge (  ;


2 pm

2:15 – 2:25 p.m. :

Vincent Lemire (French Research Center in Jerusalem/ACP)

General introduction: The Archival city research program: state of progress

2:25 – 2:40 pm

Loïc Vadelorge (Gustave Eiffel University/ACP)

Presentation of the session: The challenges of the Archival City program for the history of Greater Paris

2:40 – 3:10 pm

First session: Round-table introduced and moderated by Frédéric Moret (Gustave Eiffel University/ACP)

Digital processing of the 1954 census

With the interventions of Paul Lecat (UGE/ACP), Frédéric Saly-Giocanti (UGE/ACP), Emile Blettery (IGN)

3:10 – 3:40 pm

Exchanges with the real or virtual room

3:40 – 3:50 pm

3:50 – 4:30 pm

Second session: Round table introduced and moderated by Loïc Vadelorge (UGE/ACP)

The processing of administrative directories of the Seine department

With the interventions of Elsa Camus (Archival City), Paul Lesieur (UGE/ACP), Emmanuel Bellanger (Paris 1, CHS), Juliette Jestaz (BHVP)(to be confirmed), Renaud Fuchs (BHdV) (to be confirmed)


Exchanges with the real or virtual room


Conclusion by Vincent Lemire

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Paul Lecat (10 septembre 2020). At the sources of the history of Grand Paris. Archival City. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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