Video recording of the seminar “Inventer le Grand Paris”

The Archival City team working on the Grand Paris was present at the seminar “Inventer le Grand Paris”, on Thursday, September 17, 2020.
Presentations and debates were recorded.

The first part is an introduction by Loic Vadelorge presenting the Archival City project and the issues specific to the field of Grand Paris.

The second part is a presentation of the Seine 54 project by Frédéric Moret, Paul Lecat and Emile Blettery.

Finally, Loic Vadelorge, Renaud Fuchs, Elsa Camus, Emmanuel Bellanger, Paul Lesieur presented the first progress of the administrative directories project.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Paul Lecat (5 octobre 2020). Video recording of the seminar “Inventer le Grand Paris” Archival City. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

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