Archives de catégorie : Data and Research Papers

Traces of a public policy for energy-saving in social housing at the French National Archives (1974 – 1982)

Anaïs Parmentier, Université Gustave Eiffel

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The 1970s were marked by two oil crises. Rising oil prices and the threat of oil shortages forced the French government to quickly establish an energy-saving policy. This policy took different approaches over the course of the decade, depending on the sectors targeted. This data paper looks back at the archival corpus assembled and used for a master’s degree study, which sought to establish how social housing stakeholders approached and managed these energy crises, as well as how they acted alongside the public authorities to establish an energy-saving policy in the HLM sector. Focusing on the records selected at the French National Archives, this data paper explains the archival process and choices made in order to build up a corpus for a study specifically focused on social housing. Nevertheless, this corpus may also be of interest to historians working on the history of construction, or on the history of alternative energies and their use in the residential sector.

Keywords: Social Housing, HLM, Renewable energies, Oil crisis, Energy-saving policies

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Quito’s Urban Development and Indigenous Labor Force: The Case of the Llano Grande Commune ( First Half of the 20th Century)

Gabriela Arguello, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito

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*This data set contains personal data. Users wishing to view the images must make a formal request to the author.


The indigenous communities that remained settled within the perimeter of the city of Quito, or in its hinterland, have played a crucial role in the construction and maintenance of the city in the first half of twentieth century. During the process of urban development, these organizations were absorbed and overlooked in the public sphere. They represent a significant contingent of indigenous labor that built public works and provided the conditions necessary for the urban space to exist. In the case of Llano Grande, a community located in the northeastern part of Quito, a substantial portion of its population specialized in the city’s sanitation service. Using the case study of this community in the first half of the 20th century, this article provides an insight into the primary source research on municipal sanitation workers in Quito and how the labor force was provided to the city.

Keywords: Quito, Llano Grande, indigenous communities, public works, sanitation service.

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Archival Data About the Ethiopian Orthodox Community in Jerusalem (1840-1948)

Stéphane Ancel, CNRS

Archival descriptions on AtoM
Open Jerusalem, all archival descriptions related to the Ethiopian Orthodox community:


The presence of the Ethiopian Orthodox community in Jerusalem is attested as early as the 12th century. Since then, the community has had its ups and downs, and by the early 19th century it was in a very difficult situation, with only a few members living in the monastery of Dayr al-Sultan, located on the roof of the Chapel of St. Helena, adjacent to the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre. While some of the archives concerning the Ethiopian Orthodox community in Jerusalem are still in Holy City, a very large proportion of the archival documents relating to this community can be found in Ethiopia today, as well as in Turkey, Italy, France and England. The reason for this dispersion lies in the relations that members of the community maintained with various political and diplomatic players in the city during this period.The aim of this article is to report on the information-gathering work carried out by the Open Jerusalem project about the archives of Jerusalem’s Ethiopian Orthodox community. In addition this research paper  offers an overview of the archival collections concerning this community, while explaining the reasons for their location.

Keywords: Jerusalem, Archives, Ethiopian Orthodox Community

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Paul Lesieur -A database for studying the public roads departement of the Préfecture de la Seine(19th-20th centuries)

Paul Lesieur, Université Gustave Eiffel


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Archival City, “FR-AD75/PER232-PER232ter[varia]. Administrative yearbooks for the City of Paris and the Seine Department”, ArchivalCity_RG_0016:


The database presented here provides an account of the internal organisation of the Service de la Voie publique (SVP) of the Préfecture de la Seine between 1850 and 1980. It is a potentially useful tool for any researcher interested in the transformation and management of public space in the capital in the 19th and 20th century, making it easier to navigate through the catalogues of archive collections relating to roads. On the other hand, any urban worksite, street furniture and occupation of public space required the approval and supervision of the engineers from the SVP. Consequently, any researcher working on the history of Paris may come into contact with the staff of this technical service in its archives. The database is thus helpful to find out about an agent’s specific unit and his function within it.

Key-words: Paris, 19th-20th century, urban management,  technical services, public roads

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Quito 1532: 3D modeling of Quito in the Inca era

Carlos Espinosa, USFQ

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Archival City Quito-USFQ encompasses three pillars: the digitalization of urban archives, GIS mapping of the uses of urban space and Unity based 3D modelling of historical cityscapes.  All three of these features place the project squarely in the field of the digital humanities, which lies at the intersection of digital technologies and the humanities, including history (Gardiner and Musto, 2015).  This data paper focuses on the third pillar, the 3 D construction of Quito in the Inca era, entitled Quito 1532. Technologically, the 3 D model combines NASA relief maps, Google Earth, aerial drone-based photography, the Unity 3D gaming engine, Maya graphics and Render-Blender architectural apps. The panoramic environment generated is interactive, permitting an exploratory tour of Quito on the eve of the Spanish conquest.

Keywords: Ecuador, Quito, Inca era,  archives, archeology, 3D modelling

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The National Archive of Communes and the issue of urban development in the city of Quito (1937-1973)

Gabriela Arguello, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito


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*This data set contains personal data. Users wishing to view the images must make a formal request to the author.


The Law on Commune Organization and Regime was passed in Ecuador in 1937. This Law gave rise to the legal incorporation of civil society organizations, regularly linked to indigenous and peasant communities, under the label of comunas (communes). This legal framework fostered a series of administrative procedures between the communes and the State, which resulted in the creation of documents and the formation of the National Archive of Communes. These organizations and their documentary collection were under the administration of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor between 1937 and 1973, the period in which this research is framed. Thereafter, responsibility for this subject fell to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, which is where the archive is currently held. This article offers an approach to this repository in order to trace a thread of its history and to analyze its documents and the role that the indigenous communes had in the context of the urban development of the city of Quito.

Keywords : Ecuador, Quito, Archives, Communes, Urban development

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Session minutes of the Centro Católico de Obreros de Quito(1906-1983)-Conservation, inventory, and documentary description

Santiago Cabrera Hanna (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador)

Natasha Sanmartín Monteros (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador) 

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Archival description on AtoM
Archival City, “EC-CCO. Fonds of the Centro Católico de Obreros de Quito”, ArchivalCity_RG_0017:


The Centro Católico de Obreros de Quito (CCOQ) is one of the oldest workers’ organisations in Quito. It was founded on March 18,1906 by a group of conservative intellectuals under the principles promoted by the Rerum Novarum (1891) issued by Pope Leo XIII. The CCOQ’s archive contains records of the association’s activities over 116 years, that is from 1906 to 2022 (membership registers, accountancy books, magazines, documents on mutual and cultural activities, posters, etc.). This rich documentary collection has great relevance for the study of the social memory of both Quito and Ecuador. To prevent these archives from damage and risks of natural catastrophes, an action to preserve them has been conceived and will be described in the following pages. It is part of a larger project focused on the recovery of the documentary heritage of workers’ and trade union organizations in the city of Quito.

Keywords: Ecuador, Quito, workers’ associations,  catholic action, private archives

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An inquiry into Quito’s mountaineering archives, ca. 1944-1980

Jeroen Guillermo Derkinderen Lombeyda
Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito


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*This data set contains personal data. Users wishing to view the images must make a formal request to the author

Archival descriptions on AtoM
Archival City, “EC-AEAP. Archives of the Asociación de Escalada y Andinismo de Pichincha”, ArchivalCity_RG_0012: City, “EC-AENH. Archives of the Agrupación Excursionista Nuevos Horizontes”, ArchivalCity_RG_0013:

Archival City, “EC-Meza. Archives of the Meza family”, ArchivalCity_RG_0014:


The location of Quito, Ecuador’s capital city, amidst several snow-capped volcanoes has attracted travellers, scientists and mountaineers over the centuries and led to the development of a thriving mountaineering community from the middle of the 20th century.  The city has very diverse mountaineering collections that have been kept by federations, clubs, and mountaineers. To understand the scope and concerns of each of these collections, I visited a federation that functions on the provincial level (AEAP), a club archive (Nuevos Horizontes) and a family collection (Meza).  None of these collections has been formally included in institutional archives, and thus they have remained out of the scope of researchers. As a part of Archival City project, this data paper contributes to better comprehension of Quito’s social and environmental history through a leisure activity.

Keywords: Ecuador, Quito, mountaineering, clubs, private archives

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