The Jerusalem field is growing locally in close and permanent partnership with the CRFJ, of which Vincent Lemire is currently Director. As a result, the Archival City project benefits from an on-site logistics and scientific base, at a lower cost. Concretely, during this emergence year, the work had progressed in three directions. First, the development of the platform Open Jerusalem, with the translation of a new Ethiopian manuscript and with the discovery of the archives of the Jordanian Municipality of Jerusalem (1949-1967), to date completely unexplored, which Archival City will describe and inventory for the very first time. Then, second direction, the geolocation of the 38,000 documents already described on the platform, a very ambitious, very complex project, which requires a strong intellectual and technical investment, but which will then allow many synergies in terms of data visualization. Finally, third direction, the preparation of the reconstitution of the Maghrebi neighbourhood in 3D imagery, with a preliminary report which was produced by Lilach Assaf, who identified the heuristic and technological issues, and potential partners. This 3D reconstruction of a neighbourhood completely destroyed 50 years ago is designed as a test to envisage a more systematic 3D recovery, on the entire platform Open Jerusalem. Other projects may be added to these three research directions, which the emergence year has already enabled to test and validate.
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